About Me


As as a Machine Learning Engineer and R&D Researcher, I specialize in computational physics, data science, and artificial intelligence. Currently, I am pursuing my M.Sc. in Computer Science, concentrating on Applied Computing at the University of Saskatchewan. My research combines advanced numerical methods using Julia programming to solve ordinary differential equations (ODE) with applications in plasma physics.

Additionally, my research extends beyond numerical simulation; I have engaged in computer vision modeling using YOLOv8 to YOLOv11 and YOLONas for the RAYHAWK company, improving object detection by 100% in low light and 80% in outdoor environments. Furthermore, I have developed an AI engine for time series analysis that predicts optimized configurations for ENA Solution smart thermostats, allowing them to adjust indoor temperature at the desired times specified by clients.

In general, my background combines theoretical physics with practical computing, machine learning, and data science skills, enabling me to tackle complex technological challenges effectively.

Download Resume / CV


Education / Skills


2022 - Up to now
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

Thesis-Based M.Sc. Computer Science

Applied Computing

2019 in 2021
University At Albany (U.S.)

Course-Based M.Sc. in Physics

Awarded during the Ph.D. study in University at Albany (master out the program)
GPA 3.91 out of 4

2013 - 2016
Shiraz University

Thesis-Based M.Sc. in Physics

Condense Matter (Complex Systems)
GPA 16.35 out of 20

Thesis title: “Neural avalanches, metastability and criticality in a dense homogenous associative network (dHAN) model of neural dynamics: inhibition vs. excitation”

2009 - 2013
Shiraz University

B.Sc. in Physics

GPA 17.05 out of 20 (summa cum)

Work Experience

March 2024 - July 2024

Software Developer | Computer Vision Engineer

Led computer vision and object detection improvements for autonomous railcar loading systems, focusing on:

  • Achieved 100% improvement in object detection performance by implementing and optimizing multiple YOLO model generations (v8-11) and YOLO NAS for extreme lighting conditions
  • Developed an 8-layer image preprocessing filter system with homomorphic filtering, improving detection accuracy by 40% in challenging environmental conditions
  • Enhanced object annotation methodology resulting in 30% accuracy improvement for objects prone to false positives

[RAYHAWK Website]

Nov 2023 - Feb 2024
ENA Solutions Inc.

Software Developer | Machine Learning Engineer (Mitacs Internship)

Led the development of AI and machine learning solutions for industrial smart thermostat systems, focusing on:

  • Developed and implemented AI temperature predictor for smart thermostats with < 2.0 °C accuracy deviation
  • Engineered robust data management system handling 600K+ data points per IoT device using advanced ML methodologies
  • Created OCR-based automated energy bill parser for efficient data extraction from PDFs and images
  • Managed RESTful API data flow implementation supporting 200+ IoT devices using Python
  • Enhanced code quality and maintainability by 50% through implementation of Functional Programming and OOP principles
  • Innovated multiple Machine Learning models and Neural Networks with improved data preprocessing

[ENA Solution Website]

Jan 2016 – Aug 2019

Research and Development Engineer (Software Systems)

Developed specialized electromagnetic field analysis software for high-voltage equipment, focusing on:

  • Design and implementation of C++ simulation software for 400kV bushing analysis
  • Integration of finite element analysis algorithms for field calculations
  • Development of Python interfaces for ANSYS Maxwell automation
  • Implementation of automated testing and validation frameworks

[Nirou Trans Company Website]



Financial Support Thesis Winner

Cognitive Science and Technologies Council (COGC)

Award winner financial support of Cognitive Science and Technologies Council (COGC) of Iran for neuroscience thesis

◄ PublicationsSeminar Attendance ►

Programming Skills


Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Scikit-Learn, PyQt5 (GUI), Pandas, NumPy, Selenium, API (requests), SQLite3, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Multiprocessing, Cython


Numerical analysis


DifferentialEquations.jl, ThreadX


Design algorithm for conditional control devices such as different kind of sensors, LED etc.


Able to customize and design desired webpages as well as integrate them into famous CMS such as Joomla and WordPress. Live projects:

MicrobioLab Website
NirouTrans Website

Version Controllers

Git, SVN


SQL, SQLite3

Commercial Software Skills


Design GUI and algorithm for numerical applications or control hardware.


Numerical method to solve differential equations

Maxwell ANSYS

Simulate desired EM fields and write automated python script to integrate into ANSYS.

Office Macro

Write macros to make tasks automated or apply specific filters or calculation to data.

OS Skills


Familiar with Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint etc.


Familiar with all generations of Windows operating systems.

Publications and Talks

Google Scholar

Citations 48


Aug 2022

Comparison of Simultaneously Captured Transport of Intensity and Digital Holographic Microscopy Retrieved Phases

Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging
May 2022

The study of cell death mechanisms via simultaneous Raman and transport of intensity phase-imaging techniques

Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imaging II
Sep 2021

Automated quantification of vomeronasal glomeruli number, size, and color composition after immunofluorescent staining

Chemical Senses
June 2021

Iron-binding cellular profile of transferrin using label-free Raman hyperspectral imaging and singular value decomposition (SVD)

Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Feb 2020

Comparative phase imaging of live cells by digital holographic microscopy and transport of intensity equation methods

OSA Publishing

Talks and Posters

September 2023
University of Saskatchewan

Talk on "An Introduction to a Low-Error Numerical Approach for Solving the Physics of the Generalized Magnetic Nozzle"

7th Symposium on Innovations in Computer Science (Research Fest)

Nov 2020
University at Albany in U.S.

Talk on "Application of image processing to glomeruli analysis"

PASCAL 2020 Conference "Introduction of how glomeruli can be quantified by python programming".

June 2017
GEFENOL in Palma, Spain

Poster and Talk on "Critical neural networks"

VII GEFENOL Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems (IFISC) - Link [page 8]

July 2016
Shiraz University-Iran

Poster presentation in Annual Physics Conference of Iran

A poster about “Scale-free neuronal avalanches in the dHAN model” - Link (conference webpage)

August 2014
Heidelberg University-Germany

Talk on "Introduction to complex Systems and its application to the brain”

Talk on neuroscience and statistical physics in 45 minutes - Link [page 47] (conference webpage)

Seminar Attendance

June 2016

2nd Interdisciplinary Seminar in Brain and Cognition


Included medical analyses and treatment for brain and neurological diseases and computational methods on neuroscience.

May 2016

Attended in 3rd Workshop in Computational Neuroscience


Included Fortran programming workshop and introduction to neuro-computational methods and 8 scientific talk about new achievements on neurophysics and approaching to brain analyses.

Feb. 2015

Attended in Computational Neuroscience Workshop at Shiraz University


Two days and Included workshops and seminar about Computational method and introduction in neuroscience

Apr. 2014

Second Spring Interdisciplinary School for Nanotechnology Science at Shiraz University


Three days and included workshops and seminar about Nano Science and Nano Technology

Mar. 2013

18th school of physics in Zanjan Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)


duration of this school was 1 week and included optics and solid states physics labs and different presentation in neuroscience, optics, statistical physics, eco physics etc.

Oct. 2013

Interdisciplinary Conference at Shiraz University of Medical Science


Introduction to medical and scientific theories about brain and its functionalities


My Projects

Published or Thesis

A Python project to help utilize multiple YOLO generations (supports versions 8 to 11) for object detection quickly.

Advancing Live Cell Tracking with YOLOv8 and Python
A pioneering solution for the CTMC-v1 challenge, utilizing the YOLOv8 neural network for real-time tracking of live cell objects in video images, integrating advanced computer vision with Python.

Glomeruli Quantification
A python project to analyze stacked brain images and find AOB glomeruli to distinguish mutant and control type of animal.

Criticality in dHAN model of the neural network
A numerical simulation for dHAN model of the brain to find the trace of criticality in a top-down neural network.

Foucault Pendulum Numerical Simulation
The goal of this project is to numerically simulate Foucault pendulum motion projection on XY plane with C++ programming.

Free to Use

Python script to control LED in Arduino

This project has been written to show how a Python script can communicate with Arduino and control devices such as LEDs.


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